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Create a Rhythm with God

hand reaching out into the horizon

Honoring God’s creation of us as physical and spiritual beings

We are constantly exercising our intellect in learning about God in Bible classes and chapels, and yet God created us not just with brains, but also bodies, emotions and relationships. As we’re learning more about God, we can feed our spirits by engaging with God throughout our days in holistic ways. Spiritual Disciplines introduce us to a variety of ways we can feed our spirits through physical practice while connecting with our savior!

Spiritual Disciplines can be great assets to us while on Earth, while we are physically embodied we are also spiritual beings. Feed your spirit through physical practice and connect with our Savior!

Biola Offices and Services

  •  â€” Semester-long intentional meetings centered around your relationship with God.
  • Fives â€” A weekly prayer chapel that guides us through disciplines of thanksgiving, scripture meditation, confession, and prayer for others.
  • Find beautiful spaces to rest and be with God on Biola’s Campus.
  • Churches local to Biola â€” Engage relationally with all generations in Christ’s Body at your local church.

Online Resources

  • with Todd Pickett
  • Torrey Conference Session by Ruth Haley Barton
  • Torrey Conference Session by Ken Shigematsu
  • chapel highlighting the importance of Rest by Arianna Molloy
  • Biola Hour with Matt Jenson and Carol Sato
  • Biola Hour by Doreen Dodgen-Magee
  • The Purpose of our Everyday Stains & Pains Blog by John McKinley
  • Fearless Prayer Podcast by Craig Hazen
  • chapel by Tim Muehlhoff
  • chapel by Todd Pickett


  •  â€” Bring God into your morning, noon and night with these daily prayer prompts.
  •  â€” There are many reading plans or devotionals found here to implement in your day.
  •  â€” Memorize Scripture to keep God’s word on your mind and heart.
  •  â€” Here’s a place to keep all your prayers and remember to pray throughout your day.

Feed your Spirit

God created human beings as embodied souls, both physical and spiritual, and he invites us to connect with him holistically. When the physical meets the spiritual, we get to interact with God in an intimate way. In our local churches, we see this quite profoundly through the bread and wine of communion and the water of baptism. The taking of Christ’s body with His blood into our own bodies invites us to remember His sacrifice and love for us. The washing of baptism is a symbol of the washing away of sin in a new life with our Savior.

The physical meets the spiritual in our daily life through spiritual disciplines. Perhaps you read the Bible at the same time every morning, sit outside to listen to the wind and pray, or sing to God in the car. Fasting from food or social media can show us our fallibility and need for God to sustain us, drawing us to a place of humility. Sabbath honors our God-given need for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual rest. Breathe prayer reminds us of our utter dependence on God.

Spiritual disciplines allow us to have a taste of God’s grace through intertwining our spirit with a physical practice. They allow us to continually drop our anchor in the Living Water of God and reside there. Do you have a tradition with God that you consistently practice?