- Phone
(562) 903-4830 - Email
history.department@biola.edu - Location
Emerson Hall, Room 226
Office Hours
Regular Hours
8 a.m.鈥�5 p.m. (惭辞苍诲补测鈥揊谤颈诲补测)
Academic Programs
Bachelor's Degrees
- B.A. in History
- Civilizations of the Americas
- Civilizations of the World
- Secondary Instruction
Follow Us
In recognition of both the dignity and depravity of humankind, our aim is to develop historical insight into the diversity of civilizations, based upon our acknowledgement of God's providence, the dependability of his promises and his redemptive purpose on earth. Through the rigors of our discipline, we prepare our students to obey the Greatest Commandment and Great Commission through their lives and vocations. We aspire to prepare students for careers in education, public service, publishing, museum or archival work, library science, the law, ministry and business.
Department Members

Chair, Department of History

Professor of History

History Faculty

History Faculty

History Faculty

History Faculty