Frequently Asked Questions

Important Note: Know your HMO or PPO service area and determine how you will access health care in the event of an emergency or need for specialized care. Communicate with your insurance company to arrange for a provider in the La Mirada area.
Can I be seen at the Student Health Center?
Yes! All enrolled students, regardless of insurance status, can use the Health Center.
What do I do if I get sick?
Schedule an appointment online through your or give our office a call at 562-903-4841 x7. You can also drop by to pick up free over the counter medicines and supplies.
How does the Health Center work?
The Health Center works a lot like your own doctor’s office. We have prescheduled appointments for physicals and chronic illness and same-day appointments for acute illness. Same day appointments are available daily. You can usually be seen within 1–2 days at the Health Center, but if our schedule is full, we provide off campus options for you.
Do I need to bring money to the Student Health Center?
Yes. There are no fees for office visits, but medications and lab work are provided at reduced costs. Payment is required at the time of your visit. Cash, check or debit/credit cards (except American Express) are accepted. The Health Center cannot charge a student’s account for Health Center expenses.
Can I use my insurance at the Health Center?
The Health Center does not provide insurance billing. We accept cash, check or debit/credit card and will provide you with an itemized receipt.
What should I do on the weekend when the Health Center is closed?
Please see a list of local urgent care facilities. Life threatening emergencies can be handled through Campus Safety (562) 777-4000 or ext. 5111.
Which vaccines does Biola require of students?
All students who come to campus are required to be up-to-date with their Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) vaccination, given at the recommended intervals. A Meningitis vaccine (ACYW135) given on or after the age of 16 is also required for all students living in Biola housing (with the exception of married housing).
Students should submit complete vaccination records upon enrolling at Biola. Online-only students are exempt. Students may upload their vaccination records through their online portal: .
What if I cannot find my vaccine record?
Students can attain vaccine records by submitting a request from their previous college/university, high school, junior high school, or elementary school.
For the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccines, students can also turn in a positive immunity blood test (called a titer test) for each of the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. This test can be done with a healthcare provider or by scheduling an appointment at the Health Center.