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Cursos | Maestr铆a en Artes en Ministerio y Liderazgo Cristianos (Ministerio y Liderazgo)

Below are the course requirements for this academic program. For more program details, including graduation requirements and learning outcomes, .

Estructura del Programa

El programa acad茅mico conducente a la obtenci贸n del t铆tulo de Maestr铆a de Artes en Ministerio y Liderazgo Cristiano consta de 49 cr茅ditos, que incluyen:

  1. Fundamentos b铆blicos y teol贸gicos.
  2. Enfoque de Formaci贸n Espiritual (EFE).
  3. Habilidades para el ministerio.

Program Structure

The academic program leading to the degree Master of Arts in Christian Ministry and Leadership is comprised of 49 credits, including:

  1. Biblical and theological foundations.
  2. Spiritual Formation Focus (SFF).
  3. Ministry skills.

Requisitos del Plan de Estudios

Curriculum Requirements

Prerequisite Courses
Old Testament Survey - Spanish
New Testament Survey - Spanish
Program Courses
Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods - Spanish3
Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation - Spanish3
Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation - Spanish3
Spiritual Formation, Vocation, and the Disciplines - Spanish1
Talbot Spiritual Direction I - Spanish0
Talbot Spiritual Direction II - Spanish0
Theology I: God, Scripture, Creation - Spanish3
Theology II: Christ, Humanity, Sin, Salvation - Spanish3
Theology III: Spirit, Church, Last Things - Spanish3
Ministry and Leadership Specialization Courses
Evangelism and Disciple-Making Strategies - Spanish3
Pastoral Ministry - Spanish3
The Church and Society - Spanish3
Biblical Leadership and Management - Spanish3
Leadership & Management
Developing Strategic Church Ministries - Spanish3
Theology of Work - Spanish3
Evangelism, Missions, and Inter-cultural Ministry
Select 6 credits from the following:6
Apologetics - Spanish
Church Growth and Church Planting in the USA - Spanish
The Asian Church in the American Society - Spanish
Contemporary Theology - Spanish 1
Ministry Skills
Select 6 credits from the following:6
Youth Ministry in Contemporary Culture - Spanish
Expository Preaching - Spanish
Adult and Family Ministries in the Local Church - Spanish
Marital Counseling - Spanish 2, 3
Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling - Spanish 2, 3
Small Group Ministries - Spanish
Seminar in Pastoral Counseling - Spanish 3
Total Credits49

If selected,  must be taken for 3 credits.


 is a prerequisite to .


If (2-credit course) and (3-credit course) are taken, (1-credit course) may also be taken to meet the 6-credit requirement.


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