Master of Arts in Classical Theology
The Master of Arts in Classical Theology is a 36-credit, great-books program integrated around the interpretation of Holy Scripture.
The classical theology program draws deeply on the theological riches of the Christian tradition. Classic expositions of Scripture, from many cultures and from across the patristic, medieval, Reformation, and modern eras, will be our “textbooks.” Following the classic Christianity embodied in these texts, every class seeks to integrate theology, history, and exegesis together with personal spirituality for the sake of the church.
Students in the classical theology program will experience a Socratic pedagogy in the classroom or online. That is, class time is largely devoted to faculty-led discussion of classic Christian texts.
In these ways, this program is modeled on պ’s undergraduate Torrey Honors College, and is taught by faculty from Talbot School of Theology as well as from the Torrey Honors College.
For more reasons to choose Talbot School of Theology for your education, see the Why Talbot? page.