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Summer Internship Grant


The Summer Internship Grant has been established by the Career Center to assist traditional undergraduate students experiencing financial hardship with paying for tuition for summer internship courses.

Potential reasons for awarding grant funding include, but are not limited to:

  • Financial need or inability to afford tuition of summer internship course.
  • Participation in unpaid internships.

You are eligible to apply for the grant without regard to financial need. However, priority will be given to applicants with demonstrated financial hardship and/or participation in an unpaid internship.

Additional priority will be given to students completing a required internship course as part of their major.

Award Amount

Students may apply for a one-time grant award in the amount of up to $769 per unit of credit for a summer internship or fieldwork course, not exceeding $2,307.



  • Must be currently enrolled in a traditional undergraduate program.
  • Students must enroll in a summer internship course and follow guidelines and deadlines set by the University Registrar and the course instructor.
  • Must have proof of internship, including supervisor name/contact information and be approved by the faculty internship advisor.
  • Submission of application and all supporting documents prior to any stated deadlines is required for eligibility.


Award Distribution

A formal grant application and supporting documents must be submitted by a student to be eligible for the award:

  •  (includes description of financial need).
  • Application Deadline: All application materials must be submitted and be complete by Friday, April 11, 2025, at 11:59 pm.

Final decisions on grant awards are made in collaboration with the Director of the Career Center, the Associate Vice President of Student Success and Academic Engagement, and/or a Financial Aid member. Priority may be given to students with a demonstrated financial need and for those with a required internship for their program of study.

Awards will not exceed $2,307, and funds will be disbursed by the Career Center via Financial Aid.

Students may seek information concerning grant application by contacting the Career Center at career.development@biola.edu.
