LA MIRADA, CALIF. — Why is gratitude, and gratitude to God specifically, vital for flourishing and resilience in a changing and challenging world? New research from psychologists, theologians and philosophers across the country have spent three years researching how society expresses gratitude and explores a healing power in gratitude to God.
“For the Christian, learning how to genuinely experience and express gratitude to God, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges and suffering, opens the door to what psychologists call a growth mindset where the problem is understood within an entirely different life trajectory,” said Dr. Peter Hill, պ professor of psychology and gratitude researcher.
Funded by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation, պ is hosting a one-day conference where gratitude will be discussed from both a secular and Christian viewpoint, the . The conference will provide key takeaways that will invoke gratitude in the daily missions participants are on in their career, education and personal relationships.
Students, pastors and other religious leaders, educators, corporate leaders, and parents are invited to attend and join in-depth discussions on the meaning of gratitude and how our society, both secular and non-secular, express gratitude. The research team, led by Hill and author and professor of psychology at University of California, Davis, Dr. Bob Emmons, explored topics that range from secular and cosmic gratitude to gratitude shaping suffering and how it is demonstrated among society.
Through panel discussions, interactive sessions and dynamic plenary sessions, speakers will address the question “How can we better establish a culture of gratitude that you can carry back to your churches, classrooms, work places, and homes?”
The keynote address will be given by renowned philosopher and author, Dr. Miroslav Volf, the founding director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture.
What: The Gratitude to God conference will include panel discussions, interactive sessions and dynamic plenary speakers, all focused on the virtue of gratitude in one’s daily life, based on research by a team of research psychologists and theologians/philosophers from Christian and secular universities across the country.
Who: Funded by The John Templeton Foundation, պ is hosting the conference, which is open to anyone interested in the topic of gratitude. Speakers include Miroslav Volf, Dr. Pamela King, author and professor of applied developmental science at Fuller Theological Seminary and others from the research team.
When: Saturday, December 3, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Anaheim Marriott Bonvoy, 700 W Convention Way, Anaheim, CA 92802.
Due to generous funding from the John Templeton Foundation, the event is free of charge. Please register for a free ticket by visiting /events/2022/gratitude-to-god-conference. Parking will be validated.
Media Contact: Sarah Dougher (562) 906-4524,