Placement Options for CHEM 120 – Bio & Organic Chemistry
This page includes information on which majors require CHEM 120 – Bio & Organic Chemistry, how students prepare, test into, and register for the course, along with important placement exam deadlines.
Majors Requiring Chemistry 120: Principles of Bio & Organic Chemistry
- Allied Health*
- Healthcare Management
- Kinesiology: Health and Human Performance*
- Nursing
* Please note that *Allied Health and Kinesiology: Health and Human Performance majors may take either CHEM 105 or CHEM 120 for their chemistry requirement.
Placement Options for CHEM 120 — Principles of Bio and Organic Chemistry
There are three ways to place into CHEM 120: Bio & Organic Chemistry. Complete the form below and the Chemistry department will send placement instructions to you based on your chosen path.
Path 1: Online Placement Exam
- Take an online placement exam via through a lockdown browser + webcam. Once you register for the exam, you will receive access within 1–3 business days on Canvas. You only have one attempt to take this exam.
- Due August 15, 2025
Path 2: Online Chemistry Tutorial
- The online Chemistry Tutorial is a 14-lesson self-guided course via that provides foundational concepts in chemistry. This not-for-credit course is available February 2025. Cost $60.
- Students take the online placement exam for initial testing purposes and then get access to the online tutorial.
- Registration for the tutorial closes July 7, 2025 and all 13 lessons must be completed by August 15, 2025.
Path 3: CHEM 107: Introduction to Chemistry
- Taking CHEM 107: Introduction to Chemistry with a C- or higher grade meets the prerequisite for CHEM 120.
- Students who do not pass the online placement exam take this course to meet the CHEM 120 prerequisite.
- Students may also opt to take this course in lieu of the placement exam.
How to Register for CHEM 120 — Principles of Bio & Organic Chemistry
Incoming Students
Incoming students are registered into their first semester courses by the Advising Center. If you finish a placement path before July 1, you will likely see the course reflected on your first-semester class schedule. If you complete the placement or tutorial after July 1, your advisor will send you an email with information about your schedule (typically within 1-3 business days of your completed placement). It may be possible that you will take CHEM 120 in your second semester based on the date of placement completion.
Current Students
Once a current student completes one of the placement paths, the Chemistry department will verify your placement and email instructions to your email for how to register for CHEM 120.
Study Materials
We’ve created a basic study guide to prepare for the online placement exam (via Canvas). We recommend reviewing this guide before taking the exam.
Email the Department of Chemistry any questions you may have, at Please include your student ID and use your Biola email address when reaching out for support.