DepartmentsOffice of the Provost
Rosemead School of Psychology
Undergraduate Psychology Department
Biola AffiliationsFaculty
Phones(562) 903-4703 (Office of the Provost)
(562) 903-4867 (Rosemead School of Psychology)
(562) 903-4738 (Undergraduate Psychology Department)



  • Psy.D., Indiana State University
  • M.A., Ball State University
  • B.A., Franklin College

Member of


Doug Daugherty is the Dean for the Rosemead School of Psychology at ½ñÈÕºÚÁÏ. He is a clinical psychologist with more than 20 years of experience teaching and providing psychotherapy, supervision, and consultation in a variety of settings. Prior to joining Rosemead, Dr. Daugherty served as Executive Dean (VPAA) for the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU). He has published in the areas of substance abuse; ecological momentary assessment and intervention; student belonging and student success; and positive psychology. Most recently, he co-authored the book, Promoting Belonging, Growth Mindset, and Resilience to Foster Student Success, in cooperation with the National Resource Center for Students in Transition at the University of South Carolina.

Dr. Daugherty is a founding partner in LifeData LLC, which offers a web-based platform and mobile app for real-time assessment in the context of daily life. The LifeData system has been used by researchers around the world to study pediatric concussions, depression, PTSD, cancer recovery, body image, high school students’ emotions, psychosis, alcohol use, smoking, ACT, gratitude, and hope, among other topics. It was their shared interest in the lived experience of spiritual exemplars that led Dr. Daugherty and his colleagues to develop the LifeData system.

Dr. Daugherty completed a PsyD in clinical psychology at Indiana State University and an MA in Clinical Psychology at Ball State University. Prior to serving in administration, he was a Professor of Psychology and Addictions Counseling at IWU for more than 15 years. He has also served as program evaluator for several problem-solving courts (Drug Court, Reentry Court, and Family Court) and is the founder of a faith-based recovery home in Marion, Indiana.


  • Member, American Psychological Association
  • Member, Christian Association for Psychological Studies
  • National Register of Health Service Psychologists


  • Hines Faculty Scholarship Award (2016).
  • Faculty Scholarship Award, Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU) Lilly Research Initiative (2011-2015).
  • Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award, John Wesley Honors College, Indiana Wesleyan University, 2010-2011.
  • IWU Lily Award, Indiana Wesleyan University (2010). Recipients: Daugherty, D., Fry, B., Steenbergh, T., & Runyan, J.
  • Faculty Scholarship Award from the IWU Lilly Research Initiative (2009).
  • Federal SAMHSA Grant (2008).
  • Institute for Training and Research in Addictions and Pathways to Training Addictions, Indiana Wesleyan University (2007).
  • Federal HOME Grant, Grace House for Recovery (2006).
  • Grant County Drug Court, Evaluation and Management Information System Plan Grant, U.S. Department of Justice (2004).


  • Daugherty, D.A. & Steenbergh, T.A. (2020). A rose by any other name: A common language and understanding of learning mindsets. In Promoting Belonging, Growth Mindset, and Resilience to Foster Student Success, Baldwin, A., Bunting, B., Daugherty, D., Lewis, L., and Steenbergh, T., National Resource Center, Columbia, SC.
  • Daugherty, D.A. & Steenberg, T.A. (2020). Mindset interventions to close the achievement gap. In Promoting Belonging, Growth Mindset, and Resilience to Foster Student Success, Baldwin, A., Bunting, B., Daugherty, D., Lewis, L., and Steenbergh, T., National Resource Center, Columbia, SC.
  • Daugherty, D.A., Runyan, J.D., Steenbergh, T.A., Fratzke, B.J., Fry, B.N., Westra, E., & Allen, P. (2018). Smartphone delivery of a hope intervention: Another way to flourish. PLoS ONE, 13, 6. 
  • Daugherty, D.A., Fratzke, B.J., Steenbergh, T.A., Runyan, J.D., & Fry, B. (2016). Assessment and intervention in the wild: Possibilities for redeeming the smartphone. Journal of Psychology & Christianity, 35(1), 77-82.
  • Devers, C.J., Daugherty, D., Steenbergh, T., Runyan, J., Oke, L., & Alayan, A. (2016). Enhancing student success: Disseminating a growth-mindset and social-belonging intervention with smartphones. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. (pp. 1674-1677). Chesapeake, VA; AACE.* 
  • Runyan, J.D., Steenbergh, T.A., Bainbridge, C., Daugherty, D.A., Oke, L., et al. (2013). A smartphone ecological momentary assessment/intervention "app" for collecting real-time data and promoting self-awareness. PLoS ONE, 8(8). 
  • Conner, S.L., Daugherty, D.A., & Gilmore, M.N. (2012). Student retention and persistence to graduation: Effects of an introductory life calling course. Journal of College Student Retention, 14, 253-265.
  • Steenbergh, T.A., Runyan, J.D., Daugherty, D.A., & Winger, J.G. (2012). Neuroscience exposure and perceptions of client responsibility among addictions counselors. Journal of Substance Abuse, 42, 421-428.
  • Daugherty, D.A. (2002). Alcohol & drug abuse counseling in the 21st century: The case for education & experience. DATA: Newsletter for Addiction Professionals, 24, 9.
  • Daugherty, D.A., Murphy, M.J., & *Paugh, J. (2001). An examination of the Adlerian construct of social interest with criminal offenders. Journal of Counseling and Development, 79, 465-471.


  • Daugherty, D. & Gault, D. (October 31, 2019). Blind spots: An introduction to implicit bias for Probation Officers. Grant County Community Corrections, Marion, IN.
  • Daugherty, D. & Bruehler, B. (February 5 & 6, 2019). Faculty engagement in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Assessment Days, Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion, IN.
  • Baldwin, A., Daugherty, D., & Steenbergh, T. (October 13, 2018). Growth mindset, belonging, and grit: Incorporating noncognitives into your FYE. Students in Transition Conference, National Resource Center, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Daugherty, D.A. (November 3, 2017). Resilience: Reflections on personal experiences. Institute on Growth Mindset and Student Resilience, National Resource Center, Columbia, SC.
  • Daugherty, D.A. & Lewis, T. (November 3, 2017). Creating a campus culture that enhances
    student resilience through faculty-staff development. Institute on Growth Mindset and Student Resilience, National Resource Center, Columbia, SC.
  • Daugherty, D.A. & Lewis, T. (November 4, 2017). Opportunities for building positive
    relationships with students. Institute on Growth Mindset and Student Resilience, National Resource Center, Columbia, SC.
  • Baldwin, A. & Daugherty, D.A. (November 5, 2017). Implementing your intervention. Institute on Growth Mindset and Student Resilience, National Resource Center, Columbia, SC.
  • Steenbergh, T.A., Daugherty D., Devers, C., Oke, L. and Evey, K. (May, 2017). Nudging
    students toward success: Mobile delivery of social belonging and growth mindsets. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science 29th Annual Convention, Boston, MA.*
  • Daugherty, D. (November, 2016) Using smartphones and sensors to promote psychological
    flourishing. HyperWellbeing Summit, Mountain Valley, CA
  • Daugherty, D. (November, 2016). iCharacter: Using smartphones to develop teen character. Presentation and panel discussion, co-chaired by Sarah Schnitker and Benjamin Houltberg. Society for Research in Child Development: Technology and Media in Children’s Development.
  • Devers, C.J., Daugherty, D., Steenbergh, T., Runyan, J., & Alayan, A. (May, 2016). Mindsets, smartphones, and student success. Poster to be presented at the Association for Psychological Science 28th Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.*
  • Devers, C.J., Daugherty, D., Steenbergh, T., Runyan, J., & Alayan, A. (May, 2016). Growth-mindset and social-belonging: An innovative solution for student success. Paper to be presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Steenbergh, T.A., Daugherty, D.A., Runyan, J.D., Fry, B. & Devers, C. (February, 2016).
    mSuccess: Using smartphones to enhance student success, development and learning. Presented at 35th Annual First Year Experience Conference, Orlando, FL.
  • Devers, C.J., Alayan, A.*, Daugherty, D., Steenbergh, T., & Runyan, J. (February, 2016).
    mSuccess: Using smartphones to foster success among first-year students. Poster at the 35th Annual First Year Experience Conference, Orlando, FL.
  • Steenbergh, T., Runyan, J. & Daugherty, D. (September 29, 2015). Smartphone-based
    assessment: New possibilities for understanding life as it is lived. Presented at the IU Eli Lily School of Philanthropy, Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Sloan, A., Steinke, E., Runyan, J.D., Steenbergh, T.A., Daugherty, D.A. (May 23, 2015).
    Qualitative Analysis of Gratitude Expressions Collected Using Ecological Momentary Assessment. Poster presentation at Association for Psychological Studies (APS) Annual Conference, NY, NY.
  • Fratzke, B.J. & Daugherty, D.A. (April 11, 2015). A Smartphone App for Real-Time Assessment and Flourishing: An Illustrative Pilot Study of Gratitude Enhancement. Presented at Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS) Conference; April 11, Denver, CO.
  • Daugherty, D.A. & Steenbergh, T.A. (February 19, 2015). Motivational enhancement for
    financial advisors. Presentation at the Kingdom Advisors National Conference, Orlando, FL.
  • Runyan, J.D., Daugherty, D.A., Steenbergh, T.A., Ringenberg, S., & Steinke, E. (May 2014). Individual differences associated with use of a smartphone app-based EMA/I system. Poster presentation at the 26th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
  • Runyan, J.D., Steenbergh, T.A., Daugherty, D.A., Woodard, H., LeFever, T. & Ragsdale, E. (May 2014). An ecological momentary gratitude intervention increases and stabilizes mood in the moment. Poster presentation at the 26th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
  • Steenbergh T.A., Runyan J.D., Daugherty D.A., Woodard, H., LeFever T., Ragsdale, E.
    (May, 2014). Effects of a smartphone-delivered gratitude intervention assessed by ecological momentary assessment. Presented at the 86th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Steenbergh, T.A., Ringenberg, S., Woodard, H., LeFever, T., Ragsdale, E., Runyan, J.D.,
    Daugherty, D.A. (May, 2014). Researcher Looking for Meaningful Relationship with Smartphone User: Data Suggest Long-Term Possibility. Poster presented at the 86th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Runyan, J.D., Daugherty, D., Steenbergh, T.A., Ringenberg, S., & Steinke, E. (May, 2014). Personal factors and engagement with an app-based gratitude intervention. Poster presented at the 86th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Daugherty, D.A. (May 10, 2013). School violence, safety and mental health issues: what we can do to reduce the risks. Presentation to Indiana school leaders, in cooperation with Dr. Richard Hooker and Dr. Sigurd Zielke, sponsored by the Mental Health Association of Indiana (MHAI) and the Fairbanks-IWU Adolescent Addiction and Learning Recovery Project (AALRP); Indianapolis, IN.
  • Daugherty, D.A., Spitzer, M. & Steenbergh, T.A. (October 16, 2012). Process and other
    program evaluations: Where do I begin? Paper presented at the Indiana Judicial Center, Problem-Solving Court Workshop.
  • Daugherty, D., Spitzer, M., & Steenbergh, T.A. (June, 2012). Using a client dashboard to steer treatment: How assessment findings can inform case planning. Workshop presented at the 18th Annual National Association of Drug Court Professionals Conference, Nashville, TN.
  • Plutschack, A., Steenbergh, T.A., & Runyan, J.D. & Daugherty, D.A. (May, 2012).
    Ecological Momentary Assessment of College Students’ Behaviors: Relationship to Academic Outcomes. Paper presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Bainbridge, C., Runyan, J.D., Steenbergh, T.A. & Daugherty, D.A. (May, 2012). iPhones and EMA: A New Method of Capturing the Moment. Poster presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Reno, N., Daugherty, D.A., Runyan, J.D. & Steenbergh, T.A. (May, 2012). Ecological
    Momentary (iPhone) Assessment: Sleep as a predictor of freshmen outcomes. Poster presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Spitzer, M., Steenbergh, T.A., & Daugherty, D. (July 18, 2011). Increasing African-American participation in drug court: A qualitative study and intervention. Presented at National Association of Drug Court Professionals 17th Annual Training Conference, Washington, D.C.
  • Daugherty, D., Fry, B., Runyan, J. & Steenbergh (April 2, 2011). What can exemplary Christians teach us about resilience? Poster session presented at Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS) Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Daugherty, D. & Ruberg, S. (March 31, 2011). Can we identify and predict resilience among missionary candidates? Presented at Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS) Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Daugherty, D., *Winger, J., Steenbergh, T.A. & Runyan, J. (October 30, 2010). Perceptions of client responsibility among addictions counselors. Poster session at Addictions 2010, Washington, DC.
  • Daugherty, D.A. & Parsons, R. (June 3, 2010). More bang for our bucks; Using vouchers to encourage recovery. Presented at Fairbanks, Susan Li Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Daugherty, D.A. (October 30, 2009). Bridging the gap from student to apprentice: Engaging students through experiential learning activities. Presented at International Coalition of Addiction Studies Education (INCASE), Jersey City, NJ.
  • Daugherty, D.A. & Parsons, R. (June 2, 2009). Using group therapy to facilitate change.
    Presented at Fairbanks, Susan Li Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Daugherty, D.A. & Steenbergh, T.A. (November 14, 2008). Race and recidivism: Exploring the use of incentives and sanctions in a local drug court. Poster Session at the 42nd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, FL.
  • Daugherty, D.A. (June 24, 2006). Making chili for community stakeholders: Numbers, stories, and a pinch of economics. Presented at the 12th Annual National Association of Drug Court Professionals Training Conference.
  • Boivin, M., Daugherty, D., & Puffer, K. (2003). Soul and mind: Sanctification for the American evangelical in the context of addiction brain/behavior science. Presented at the annual conference of the Society for the Study of Psychology and Wesleyan Theology, Lexington, KY.
  • Daugherty, D.A. (2002). Clinical focus on addictions. Facilitated discussion at CCCU
    Disciplinary Faculty Development Workshop in Psychology, Wheaton, IL.
  • Boivin, M. & Daugherty, D. (2002). Body, soul, & spirit: Recent developments in neuroscience, materialism, reductionism, and Christianity. Presented at CCCU Disciplinary Faculty Development Workshop in Psychology, Wheaton, IL.
  • Daugherty, D.A. & Payne, A. (2002). Are ethical dilemmas of psychologists affected by religious orientation? Presented at the 2002 CAPS Conference, Chicago, IL.
  • Morgan, A., Cecil, S., & Easley, M. (2001) The concurrent validity of the SASSI-3 in a non-
    clinical sample. Faculty mentor of award-winning student research Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Charlotte, NC.
  • Davis, L., Noble, A, & Branscombe, H. The Relationship between the SASSI –3 and spiritual well-being in Christian college students. Faculty mentor of award-winning student research. Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Tulsa, OK.
  • Daugherty, D.A. (1999). The Sulliman Scale of Social Interest as a predictor of criminal
    offender outcomes. Presented at Twenty-First International Congress of Individual Psychology, Oak Brook, IL.

Research Interests

  • Ecological momentary assessment/intervention (EMA/EMI)
  • Student success/flourishing
  • Positive psychology
  • Substance abuse
  • Spiritual formation
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