The Call to Follow: Hearing Jesus in a Culture Obsessed with Leadership

Richard Langer (Co-Author)
Director, Office for the Integration of Faith and Learning; Professor of Biblical Studies and Theological Studies
Joanne Jung (Co-Author)
Associate Dean, Online Education and Faculty Development; Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies
Crossway, August 2022
In The Call to Follow, Richard Langer and Joanne J. Jung teach readers that 鈥渇ollowership鈥 is essential to both organizational and spiritual flourishing. They argue that followership requires the development of specific skills and virtues modeled and extolled throughout Scripture. They point to examples of people from the Bible and church history whose passion was following in the footsteps of Jesus rather than climbing a ladder of leadership. This helpful book reexamines our assumptions about leadership and followership, and helps readers find the proper place of both as they experience the life-transforming power of following Christ.
Counterfeit Kingdom: The Dangers of New Revelation, New Prophets, and New Age Practices in the Church

R. Douglas Geivett (Co-Author)
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
B&H Books, November 2022
In Counterfeit Kingdom, apologists and New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) experts Holly Pivec and Douglas Geivett show how the NAR鈥檚 key tenets distort the gospel, twist the Scriptures, are influenced by New Age practices, and lead faithful Christians to shipwreck their faith. They also offer practical suggestions for readers who are already influenced by the NAR, curious about it, or concerned about loved ones who have been swept up in the movement. What used to be on the fringes of the church is now mainstream, and many are being influenced by it unaware. This book is a wake-up call.
Canon Formation: Tracing the Role of Sub-Collections in the Biblical Canon

Darian Lockett (Co-Editor)
Professor of New Testament
T&T Clark, February 2023
Contributors to this volume examine the various collections of canonical sub-units in the canon, considering the state of the question regarding each particular collection. The chapters introduce the issues involved in sub-collections being accepted in the canon, summarize the historical evidence of the acceptance of these collections, and discuss the compositional evidence of 鈥渃anonical consciousness鈥 in the various collections. The book begins with a consideration of the two overarching collections 鈥 the Old and New Testaments. Next, several sub-collections within the Hebrew Bible (OT) are considered, including the Torah, Prophets, the Megilloth, the Twelve (both in their Masoretic Text and Septuagint forms), and the Psalter. In addition, sub-collections in the New Testament include the four-fold Gospel, the Pauline Collection (usually with Hebrews in the early manuscripts), the function of Acts within the New Testament, the Praxapostolos (Acts along with the Catholic Epistles), and the function of Revelation as the end of the canon.
The Solo Pastor

Gary L. McIntosh
Distinguished Affiliate Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership
Baker Books, January 2023
Being a pastor is a complex and demanding role, especially for someone leading alone. The majority of pastors find themselves in this position, leading their smaller church with no additional professional assistance. The challenges are many, including loneliness, isolation, self-doubt, overwhelm, feelings of inadequacy, and a constant search for additional resources and volunteers. Where does a solo pastor turn for help and encouragement? With compassion and plenty of proven, practical strategies, church consultant and former solo pastor Gary L. McIntosh steps in to fill the void.